[Magdalen] Meatless, but definitely NOT penitential

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sat Feb 13 09:52:07 UTC 2016

On 13/02/2016 01:52, Grace Cangialosi wrote:
> I never realized that the Orthodox and Roman dates for Easter could be that far apart! I've just always assumed they were a week apart like the celebrations of Christmas. I've obviously not been paying attention.

At Christmas the difference is due sumply to the change of calendar and 
the "missing days".  Since Easter is the Sunday after the first full 
moon after the Vernal Equinox the date of the Equinox is crucial.  The 
full moon this year is 23 March so Easter is 28 March.  However if you 
say that the Equinox is always on 21 March, rather than when it actually 
occurs, and haven't taken those days out of the calendar then the 
relevant full moon is 22 April.  I think there's another tweak somewhere 
that makes it 1 May rather than 24 April.  Some years ago Orthodox 
Easter was 5 May.


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