[Magdalen] Prayers ANSWERED: missing, beloved dog is found!

Jim Guthrie jguthrie at pipeline.com
Fri Feb 19 13:37:38 UTC 2016

Sub writes:
> Sorry, never could, though I have read it, of course, and the others.  
> I deliberately memorized a lot of sonnets,
Girls just didn't get attached to fine poetry like Robert service <g>.

 >that over in my head to be certain I still have it, and the rest are 
just first or last lines, if that.  I had a lot of psalms, too, but the 
 >Episcopal Church messed me up some with those, with the Prayer Book 
translations and every Sunday, and I'm not sure I can even >do the 23rd 
word perfect in either version, from having my rhythm messed up on so 
many Sundays.

Me too . . .

In my youth, I could sing (don't ask to recite <g>) in 4-part Anglican 
Chant nearly the entire Coverdale Psalter by memory. The translation in 
the '79 removed that ability.

Of course, Victoriana is often avoided in today's TEC -- whether it be 
Stainer, Dykes and other such ("Victorian Slush!" they sneer) including 
Anglican Chant,

I've never seen the value of discarding our unique heritage in favor of, 
say, the faux "authenticity" of plainchant, for example.


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