[Magdalen] TEC suspended from Anglican Communion

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sat Jan 16 21:47:28 UTC 2016

On 16/01/2016 21:10, Charles Wohlers wrote:
> Concerning Ted Cruz and his Constitutional eligibility to be president:
> I seem to remember this coming up, long ago, when Mitt's dad George 
> Romney was running for president. It seems he actually was born in 
> Mexico, of US citizens, who had moved there temporarily due to US 
> "persecution" of Mormons. It was pretty much universally agreed at the 
> time that this was not anything which would make him ineligible to 
> serve as President.

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services has an FAQ on 
this question.  The crucial question is whether or not Senator Cruz's 
mother lived in the USA for at least 10 years before his birth, at least 
5 of those years being after her 14th birthday.  I think it is likely 
that Eleanor Cruz satisfies that requirement. Having said that, 
recalling how Republicans hounded Varack Obama for evidence of his 
eligibility it would seem right for Senator Cruz to do the same saying 
when his mother left the USA for London.  That would (or at least 
should) quieten the arguments.


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