[Magdalen] TEC suspended from Anglican Communion

Charles Wohlers charles.wohlers at verizon.net
Sat Jan 16 21:10:40 UTC 2016

Concerning Ted Cruz and his Constitutional eligibility to be president:

I seem to remember this coming up, long ago, when Mitt's dad George Romney 
was running for president. It seems he actually was born in Mexico, of US 
citizens, who had moved there temporarily due to US "persecution" of 
Mormons. It was pretty much universally agreed at the time that this was not 
anything which would make him ineligible to serve as President.

In any event, here's the article by Cruz's former professor Laurence Tribe, 
which brought up the issue:
or, http://tinyurl.com/zmtjckd

It should also be noted that this same logic applies to those who think 
Pres. Obama was born in Kenya - if he was, he'd be in exactly the same 
situation as is Ted Cruz.

Chad Wohlers
East Bridgewater, MA USA
chadwohl at satucket.com 

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