[Magdalen] Oh my!

ME Michaud michaudme at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 18:58:04 UTC 2016

Yup, I did the knot method. No potato, though. Ice cubes.
Didn't hurt, but a little weird in the sensation department.

On Monday, July 4, 2016, Lynn Ronkainen <houstonklr at gmail.com> wrote:

> My dad who grew up in several small MN towns forbade me from getting my
> ears pierced while recounting stories of little Italian girls he knew in
> childhood whose parents pierced their ears by supposedly numbing the ear
> lobes by cutting a small potato in half and brusquely rubbing the lobe in
> between then piercing it with a threaded needle by stabbing the needle
> through the ear into the potato half behind it. The thread would remain and
> be occasionally moved back and forth until it healed and then little gold
> hoops

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