[Magdalen] Another Casualty.

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 20:34:05 UTC 2016

The Revd Matthew Cadwell, who is Co-President of the EDS Alum. Executive 
Committee, has posted a long letter from the Cttee on FB.  It sounds 
like the Bd of Trustees did a precipitous end run without full 
consultation or agreement.

I know Matthew because one way and another he spent a lot of time at 
Trinity in Toronto where I did my MDiv.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 7/22/2016 3:53 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen wrote:
> EDS (Episcopal Divinity School) of Cambridge, MA, (TEC) will not  grant
> degrees after the next 2016-2017 term.  The closure is secondary  to
> financial problems.
> David S.

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