[Magdalen] Houston weather report / grim

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 17:24:07 UTC 2016

You're welcome to your opinion.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 6/7/2016 1:21 PM, Sibyl Smirl wrote:
> On 6/7/16 7:53 AM, Marion Thompson wrote:
>> What a
>> world we've created, when one also adds the European floods  and
>> Australian deluges and unyielding droughts to the increasing weather 
>> chaos!
> We've always had weather and earthquake disasters, that couldn't 
> possibly have been man-created, unless you figure that God made them 
> in punishment for something Man did wrong, like whatever flooding 
> started the Enkidu/Noah/SouthAmerican flood stories, or for His own 
> purposes, like maybe the major drought that drove the Anasazi and 
> Hohokam out of the desert Southwest, to make empty space to receive 
> the Apache and Navajo down from Canada when the climate moderated again.

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