[Magdalen] A strange prayer request.

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 16:10:21 UTC 2016

Even a close friendship would be very good. My Adam and his first wife had
established a decent relationship long after both their second marriages
crumbled, but he was too messed up for it ever to become anything else.
However, they did have their son in common. So best wishes to the three of
of you.

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 11:48 AM, M J _Mike_ Logsdon <mjl at ix.netcom.com>

> Marion, Sally, et al:  Thanks for the thoughts.  We are definitely being
> careful.  A helluva picture that would be, trying again, and screwing up
> again.  Possible, regardless, but less likely (even the renewed
> relationship itself) if approached carefully.  And we are.  So carefully,
> in fact, we've merely agreed to sit down and discuss sometime soon, during
> which meantime we're chatting more than before, and the three of us doing
> the occasional dinner out for what can only be called "face time" that's
> been basically non-existent for 13.5 years.  And, of course, there's the
> trip she and I are taking to visit Mom in a couple weeks.
> All very, very odd.

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