[Magdalen] Brexit Leave-ers win.

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 14:13:04 UTC 2016

No more Euro-sausage and straight bananas.  Yay!

Marion, a pilgrim

On 6/24/2016 3:44 AM, Roger Stokes wrote:
> On 24/06/2016 05:57, Lynn Ronkainen wrote:
>> did some googling based on what a FB friend of a FB friend posted on 
>> my page and found this which seems to indicate the the results of the 
>> referendum are not necessarily binding and can be reviewed by 
>> Parliament.  Even the article seems valid but somewhat unclear.
>> Lynn
>> http://www.businessinsider.com/green-eu-referendum-not-legally-binding-brexit-2016-6 
> It is certainly an interesting article.  Greenland is the only country 
> that joined and then left the EU and apparently the negotiations over 
> their future relationship lasted 3 years.  The UK ahs a more complex 
> economy and has been part of the EU for longer so it is likely that 
> the negotiations would take sugnificantly longer, which is an argument 
> for not invoking Article 50 yet. There will also need to be 
> Parliamentary scruting of any future relationship with the EU and 
> Sallt raised some interesting points, to which I will reply in a few 
> moments.
> What is certain is that much of the Leave campaign was based in 
> misinformation such as how much we pat into the EU budget.  They 
> promoted the gross figure, ignoring the rebate we get and the amount 
> that comes back in the way of grants ofr farmers, etc. They also did 
> not mention the fact that we will still need to have various rules and 
> regulations to repalce European ones - which we will still need to 
> abide by if we are to export goods to continental Europe. I'm afraid 
> that older voters' have tended to hark back to the past and voted with 
> their heart, hankering after the Golden Age that never was, rather 
> than their head, thinking of the realities.
> Roger, an older voter whodid look at the realities and voted acordingly.
> Roger

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