[Magdalen] Slaw.

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 13:31:55 UTC 2016

Olive oil and vinegar.  Or perhaps mayonnaise, sometimes augmented a bit 
by said olive oil and vinegar, to give a creamier slaw.  No sugar.  But 
that's me.  I don't like those tart, watery commercial slaws that (used 
to) taste of horseradish.  Used to, because I am still bereft of taste 
and smell :-(((((

Marion, a pilgrim

On 3/15/2016 11:22 PM, M J _Mike_ Logsdon wrote:
> Time for another food thread.
> Coleslaw.
> When buying it, I almost invariably find it too sweet, especially if made fresh (un-prepackaged) by a deli, necessitating my adding vinegar to it to balance it out.  Tonight, for example, Raley's deli slaw was ALL sugar as far as I was concerned, so I added both rice vinegar and malt vinegar.  End result:  very nice.  I in fact used to request my mom, when making slaw for dinner, to NOT use any sugar at all.  On occasion, she'd agree.
> Where do others here fall in the slawness of life?
> .

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