[Magdalen] Flowers That Bloom in May.

Susan Hagen susanvhagen at gmail.com
Tue May 10 00:12:00 UTC 2016

I am fortunate not to have a deer problem but the rabbits are
voracious.  Every young tree and shrub has to be surrounded by a 12
inch fence of chicken wire staked out around it for its first few
years or it will be gnawed to the ground.  I have to remind myself
sometimes that at least it's not groundhogs.

On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 5:52 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen
<magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
> Floral Musings -
> We've had ten days of rain so the ground is soaked for spring  planting.
> Other Half has decided he wants to try the deciduous azaleas  available
> for this area.  Actually, there are some native deciduous azaleas,  but
> how they survive the Whitetailed deer is a mystery.  We have wire  netting
> and fencing at the ready for this project.  I've tried them before and  the
> deer had them munched in a flash.
> There are a variety of evergreen azaleas that do well here, and I just
> noticed
> that they are stunning up against the foundation of the house this year -
> reds, pinks, and white flowers.
> The little leafed rhododendrons such as the PJM's are past peak and  were
> spectacular this spring.
> I'm eyeing the Piedmont rhodies that have the largest buds I've ever seen
> here.
> They were mostly planted out under the trees in 1988, and some of  them
> are 20 ft x 20 ft., especially the Nova Zemblas.  The Zemblas must  have
> some genes from that largest of the rhododendron genus which bears a
> brilliant red flower and gets to be EIGHTY FEET tall in Asia.  Give  them
> a couple of weeks.
> Redbud is not native here in the Poconos, is are hardy.  Ours is  blooming
> for the first time this year out under a large Flowering Dogwood.   It's a
> thrill.
> David Strang.

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among
you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the
land of Egypt.
Leviticus 19:34

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