[Magdalen] Everett @ the DMV.

Bob Rea petard at petard.us
Tue May 10 14:33:38 UTC 2016

On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 07:44:22 AM Christopher Hart wrote:
> Government sponsored sex discrimination. I know we don't actually have a
> draft, and haven't for forty years, but if men and women are equally
> eligible to serve in the military why are only men required to register for
> the selective service? Probably because the idea of drafting women is
> anathema to most Americans, but it's still discriminatory.

And they would have to work up a whole set of regulations on who would be 
eligible, deferred, and ineligible permanently. Remember 1A, 1Y, 4F etc?

Bob Rea

America, it was a wonderful country
Til they took it private
and made it a theme park of itself

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