[Magdalen] A telling pic.

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Fri May 13 18:42:53 UTC 2016

On 13/05/2016 18:36, M J _Mike_ Logsdon wrote:
> The article's about our tunnel project to connect our two reservoirs, but the picture is priceless.  Lake San Antonio has been effectively dry for years now, but our recent less-than-modest rains did bring it up to (woo-hoo) 7% capacity.
> http://www.montereyherald.com/article/NF/20160512/NEWS/160519930

Telling indeed.  I hope they do not go for the public-private 
partnership model as that works out much more expensive in the long run 
and there can be problems down the line.  Scotland had a major issue 
with a similar funding model just after Easter when a school wall 
collapsed.  Checks of other buildings built by the same firm under the 
same agreement showed faults with a number of them as well.  Basically 
the work had not been of good quality and if things go wrong then the 
statutory authority has to pick up the tab.


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