[Magdalen] The Great Groundhog Caper

Susan Hagen susanvhagen at gmail.com
Sun May 15 20:31:44 UTC 2016


On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 11:23 PM, Grace Cangialosi <gracecan at gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't either, Jay, and I have a big one that I've named George. I first made his acquaintance one evening on my dining room, but since then he has obligingly stayed outside.
>> On May 13, 2016, at 10:27 PM, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have no problem with black snakes. We have several here, some pretty big.
>> We startle one another now and again, but as long as they don't come in the
>> house I'm fine with them.
>> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 8:31 PM, Grace Cangialosi <gracecan at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I think I know the hole this one lives on, and I'm going to try the kitty
>>> litter solution this weekend. Actually, having my grandson do surveillance
>>> with a .22 would probably be more effective!
>>> As to the groundhog being in the attic, s/he may have been trying to get
>>> away from the dog. They are skillful climbers; my s-in-l has shot several
>>> of them out of trees.
>>> If you can stand another story...I came home one day several years ago to
>>> find my beagle and two cats all sitting at attention and looking skyward.
>>> Following their gaze, I saw a very large groundhog sitting on a branch that
>>> was parallel to the ground and about 12' up.
>>> I walked over to the little group, and it was clear that no one was going
>>> anywhere! So I went inside, called my s-in-l and told him there was a good
>>> opportunity for some target practice.
>>> Sure enough, when he arrived about 20 minutes later, none of the creatures
>>> had moved an inch! So I removed all of the members of my household, and he
>>> shot the groundhog.
>>> As a PS, earlier this evening my daughter, who lives in a nice housing
>>> development with woods behind her house, went to her kitchen door to toss
>>> out a stink bug, and there was a six-foot-long black rat snake looking in
>>> the door at her--this was on a second floor deck!  He crawled off, and when
>>> I arrived he had made his way off the deck but was rather tangled up trying
>>> to find his way down. I checked a little while ago, and he was gone. Of
>>> course, we don't know where he is...
>>> The joys of country living!
>>>>> On May 13, 2016, at 6:22 PM, "Charles Wohlers" <
>>>> charles.wohlers at verizon.net> wrote:
>>>> A groundhog in *the attic*?!?!?! Whatever was s/he doing there?
>>>> Speaking of those delightful creatures, we've had a pair (one big, one
>>> smaller) around, but, three days ago I put a bag of used kitty litter down
>>> their hole. Haven't seen them since.
>>>> Chad Wohlers
>>>> Woodbury, VT USA
>>>> chadwohl at satucket.com
>>>> -----Original Message----- From: Grace Cangialosi
>>>> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 5:28 PM
>>>> To: Magdalen
>>>> Subject: [Magdalen] The Great Groundhog Caper
>>>> Just a tale to add to the recent conversation...
>>>> Yesterday I was getting ready to leave and was looking around for my
>>> dog. (Not that she ever comes when I call her, but hope springs eternal!)
>>>> She was nosing around in front of the open building that holds the
>>> tractor and assorted equipment. All of a sudden she took off running in a
>>> circle around the outside of the building. She went in all of a sudden and
>>> raced up the stairs to what is an unfinished attic space.
>>>> And then came the most awful squealing and barking--and I had no idea
>>> what was up there.  There would be brief silences, then ferocious barking
>>> and this very weird squealing/whistling sound.  I thought it was some kind
>>> of large bird.
>>>> I went to get the leash, hoping I could entice Gracie (don't ask!) down
>>> with the prospect of a car ride--usually a sure thing,  but she was having
>>> none of it. Why, you ask, didn't I just go up the stairs and grab her by
>>> the collar?!
>>>> Well, the stairway is open with no railing, and because the action was
>>> taking place about three feet ahead of the top of the stairs--and because I
>>> still didn't know what I was dealing with--I was afraid that either the dog
>>> or the unknown antagonist might lung and knock me down the stairs.
>>>> I finally started up the stars until I could see--and there was a huge
>>> (probably 30-40lb) groundhog, backed into a corner, snarling and squealing,
>>> as he and the dog alternated lunges at each other.
>>>> There was a large can of something at the top, so I heaved it in their
>>> general direction, hoping it would prove a distraction. The groundhog
>>> pushed it right back!
>>>> Finally I took a few steps forward and got the leash attached and
>>> started the dog down the stairs.
>>>> It was a very long struggle getting her to the house, but we finally
>>> made it and I kept her in until it got dark.
>>>> Apparently the groundhog has moved on into its burrow. And I now know
>>> why one of their names is "Whistle Pig"!

The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among
you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the
land of Egypt.
Leviticus 19:34

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