[Magdalen] An update or two; + a small prayer request.
Ginga Wilder
gingawilder at gmail.com
Fri May 20 21:08:24 UTC 2016
Praying, Mike.
On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 2:11 PM, Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com>
> Prrayers always, Mike. Here's to feeling more on top of the darker
> thoughts.
> Marion, a pilgrim
> On 5/19/2016 11:37 PM, M J _Mike_ Logsdon wrote:
>> 1) Work has been going rather well, mainly because I've been feeling
>> much better lately, so I'm getting my assignments done in more than a
>> timely fashion. Plus, my boss had a talking-to by our division chief about
>> "How not to talk to [Mike]", etc. We're a good team, when I'm not being
>> trashed on a daily basis. Funny, that.
>> 2) Once my shin and feet ulcers started showing clear signs of healing
>> on their own, I opted to go a bit beyond the instruction to put the
>> steroidal ointment on the Neosporin-rash, and actually put it on
>> everything, ulcers included. Within 24 hours, I had the clear vision of
>> being able to forgo bandaging and wear nothing but white socks again,
>> within a couple weeks. I even go un-bandaged from after work till morning,
>> when I re-bandage while watching MNSBC before work. And, the nodules just
>> under the skin are subsiding, noticeably.
>> 3) Prayer request, basically. The appointment next Thursday with the
>> hematologist has gotten me more worried than heretofore, and I imagine I'm
>> merely now experiencing personally what my dermatologic docs are
>> experiencing in their professional capacity: Just what the hell has my
>> white blood count up so goddamned high? I feel better than I've felt in
>> months, so clearly I'm not beset with a massive infection of sorts. High
>> white blood count generally means only one thing (right?). And with my
>> family, and personal, history ... I'm even starting to have "cancer
>> dreams". Granted, in the best one so far I was actually quite calm about
>> facing a short time to remain above ground, and even looked forward to the
>> End. But, still. Dammit.
>> And it didn't help that my 84-yr-old apartment manager told me today on
>> the phone, seemingly (sic) in passing, that he has advanced prostate
>> cancer. "...Oh?" says I; "Treatment?" "Don't know yet." Eerily similar.
>> I genuinely feel like shit right now. But I also felt compelled to
>> share. My apologies to the rank and file.
>> .
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