[Magdalen] Bernie's latest.

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sat May 21 20:26:18 UTC 2016

On 21/05/2016 20:50, M J _Mike_ Logsdon wrote:
> He has the gall to proclaim that he supports Wasserman Shultz's opponent for her House seat.
> That, plain and simple, is none of his business.

Indeed.  Obviously I don't have a vote in this show but I hope for the 
world's sake that we do not get President Trump - he is too 
unpredictable to be safe.  Bernoe by now should have reached the 
conclusion that Hillary did eight years ago, that he does not have the 
popular support to become the nominee and graciously withdraw his 
candidacy.  Whichever way you cut the numbers - popular votes or pledhed 
candidates - Bernie is losing and he needs to recognize that.

For the record I agree with many of his policies.  When people here 
comment on how I obviously like the USA and wonder why I don't move 
there the answer comes in three letters - NHS meaning the National 
Health Service.  People over here would be shocked at how much you pay 
in premiums and co-pays in the USA.  I also agree with his policy of 
raiing the minimum wage, which I see Hillary is now warming to.  A 
person working a normal working week should be earning enough to meet 
their noirmal living expenses without needing a second job or welfare 


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