[Magdalen] Bernie's latest.

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Sat May 21 20:31:12 UTC 2016

>>>Bernoe by now should have reached the conclusion that Hillary did eight years ago, that he does not have the 
popular support to become the nominee and graciously withdraw his candidacy.<<<

To be fair, Hillary waited until after California.  But, also to be fair, she was behind Obama MUCH LESS than he is behind Hillary.  So, the California comparison need not be binding.

>>>For the record I agree with many of his policies.<<<

As do I.  And I initially supported him, and haven't ever given Hillary one dime.  (She doesn't need my dime.)  But he's behaving badly, and he needs to buck up, sit down, and smell the Hillary -- if he's serious about not wanting Prez Donald.

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