[Magdalen] Prayer request

P. Dan Brittain pdan.brittain at gmail.com
Sat May 21 23:59:09 UTC 2016

CW5 (ret) Dave Smith, former commander/director of the Berlin Brigade Band

Dave has not been a smoker but thanks to Agent Orange exposure in the Nam,
he is on his 3rd go-round with lung cancer. A brilliant musician (former
student of Revelli). He was holding his own and even showing signs of
beating it again. Last night he took a sudden turn for the worse; not
expected to last much longer.

A few weeks ago, he had posted some of his travails on  FB   -  and in
passing, mentioned casually that he was Jewish. He was immediately trolled
to repent by someone he didn't know.
He didn't need that this close to the end.

A good long-time friend.

P. Dan Brittain
Harrison, Arkansas

<http://pdanbrittain.com>* <http://pdanbrittain.com/>*
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