[Magdalen] Chicken pot pie.

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Tue May 24 21:42:35 UTC 2016

>>>(I'm getting more and more like a hermit as time goes on, and also older (fully accepting of the 
idea that I might not be alive next year)<<<

Hermit?  Boy, do I understand.  I used to have to scrounge for reasons not to eat out, and generally had a hard time coming up with any.  Now, it's the other way 'round.

As for full acceptance of The Idea (and intending no disrespect whatsoever via the coming joke), all I can say is, Dear Sibyl -- quit stealing my line.  :-|=

(Go get yourself a KFC pot pie, though.  Doc Strang is spot on with the quality of the crust.  Light, flaky, and very traditional-ish.  You'll like it.)

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