[Magdalen] Wireless servers (was: Junk phone calls)

Jo Craddock jocraddock at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 18:21:46 UTC 2016

I am now with Verizon as ATT (wire and cell!) went down in The Flood, for which we received a "we're working on it," email -- yes, email from The Phone Company -- and what amounted to about a 25% credit off the August bill. So far -- great reception, great service (personable reps when I called about overseas coverage including tips on how to hold down costs), fair and easy to understand billing.

Jo, who is convinced the British plan to foil the Germans, next time, is with irregular and missing road signs

> On Nov 4, 2016, at 3:04 PM, James Oppenheimer-Crawford <oppenheimerjw at gmail.com> wrote:
> Great story. They were professional and did the right thing.
>> On Nov 4, 2016 8:19 PM, "Sibyl Smirl" <polycarpa3 at ckt.net> wrote:
>> I think I'll put in a little story to second Ann's nomination, though I'm
>> happy with my super-cheap "burner" Trac-Fone, which does everything that I
>> want a cell phone to do.  But a friend who was in the Joplin tornado,
>> (front of their house ripped off, back not touched, a "what-not"
>> glass-fronted etagere with a collection of ceramic merry-go-rounds, in the
>> front room, left open on one side, in perfect shape, including all the
>> merry-go-rounds)--anyway, when they came out of the back of the house after
>> the giant meat-grinder went through, all their neighbors were also crawling
>> out of the rubble, and out of shelters. Power out, towers down, everybody
>> wanted to call their nearest and dearest in other places to let them know
>> they were alive, nobody's cell phone worked -- except my friend's.  Her
>> phone got passed around from hand to hand until it was totally out of
>> charge, at which point it was returned to her. When her bill came in, it
>> was humongous.  She took the bill to the office, and explained what had
>> happened, and came out with the whole month free, marked "Paid".  Verizon.
>>> On 11/4/16 12:53 PM, Ann Markle wrote:
>>> I know I'm late on this, but it's relevant for anyone who's unhappy with
>>> their cell phone service.
>>> Here's my (limited) experience with cell phone carriers.  I always had
>>> Verizon and loved it; the coverage was best in Crossville, TN.  My friend
>>> had AT&T, and frequently had dropped calls.  I never did.  Crossville was
>>> a
>>> little spotty on coverage, because it wasn't near a city with lots of cell
>>> towers, etc.  But Verizon never let me down.  I didn't like the big bill,
>>> though.  When I moved to Buffalo I decided to do a plan with Cheryl, my
>>> friend and housemate.  She did CREDO, a subsidiary of Sprint, and refused
>>> to consider a change to Verizon, even though her coverage wasn't great.
>>> We
>>> both got a free new phone when we added my line to her account.  Coverage
>>> was not good, and when my phone was stolen, they didn't even offer me a
>>> bit
>>> of a deal on another one.  So I quit them.  I still had my old Verizon
>>> smartphone, and someone encouraged me to look at the monthly pay-per-month
>>> service.  I currently have Verizon pay-per-month (on an auto-renew, so I
>>> don't have to fuss about it).  I get unlimited talk and text and 1 gig of
>>> data -- which is much more than I ever use, as I mostly do any data-eating
>>> stuff when I have access to wireless, which doesn't count.  I'm perfectly
>>> thrilled with it, and pay $48 per month, including the sales tax.  The
>>> coverage is as good as ever, even out at the trailer, which is where
>>> Cheryl
>>> has the most trouble with her reception.  She also has a lot of dropped
>>> calls and messages/texts (even from me) that don't ring, and she only gets
>>> them later.
>>> Just wanted folks to know what works for me, and to recommend it highly.
>>> Verizon.  Month-to-month.
>>> Ann
>>> The Rev. Ann Markle
>>> Buffalo, NY
>>> ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
>>> On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 12:07 PM, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> That's how I feel about at&t
>>>> On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 11:37 AM, ME Michaud <michaudme at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hate Verizon. Never again!
>>>>> (sorry) :-D
>>>>> On Friday, October 21, 2016, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I have an iPhone 6 and don't want to upgrade. We don't love Verizon but
>>>>> are
>>>>>> leaning in that direction.
>> --
>> Sibyl Smirl
>> I will take no bull from your house!  Psalms 50:9a
>> mailto:polycarpa3 at ckt.net

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