[Magdalen] Don't know if this is already widely known ...

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sun Nov 20 22:12:19 UTC 2016

On 20/11/2016 14:58, Lynn Ronkainen wrote:
> As I'm sure you're aware Roger these two ballots, yours and ours have been widely compared to each other with the concepts of voter remorse and unsatisfactory final outcome. The "interesting times" have arrived - those so long bandied about as aphorism

I am indeed aware of the comparison. They were protests against the 
current situation but were not for a coherent (and achievable) new 
desired order. As a result (following misrepresentation before the 
referendum) we are now faced with disagreement on what the government 
should be seeking as a divorce settlement from the EU. You have a 
President-designate (not elect until after the electors have cast their 
votes on 19 December) whose policies are unclear. Meanwhile we have a 
critique from Lord Williams of Oystermouth, aka The Rt Revd and Rt Hon 
Rowan Williams.


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