[Magdalen] I have a line on an organ position...

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Sat Nov 26 20:17:37 UTC 2016

Beggars can't be choosers.

On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 2:49 PM, sheila ketler via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> I know that this particular church has been using the two organists for a
> while now. They each would do one mass... Now that Paul is working
> elsewhere he can't do the mass he did which I am guessing was the 10
> o'clock. guessing mtf didthe 8 o'clock and 4.15 is without music...I am
> thinking they are either doing without or she has not started at her
> newgig... I did email her to speak with her have not heard back from her
> yet... I was wondering what she was doing aboutthe masses... just wondering
> if they can make do if they would like to have me until I finish at St.
> James because I haveno intention of leaving them at this late date without
> an organist for Christmas Eve. That would not be fair of me and Iwant to
> leave in a gracious way without ruffling feathers... We'll see what happens
> I have to speak with the priest there is no way I can leave any employment
> stone unturned I need to look at each possibility as it comes up...
> Sheila
>     On Saturday, November 26, 2016 10:56 AM, ME Michaud <
> michaudme at gmail.com> wrote:
>  Maybe you could factor a driver into your contract?
> Not sure about your area, but that's often done here. There are private
> drivers everywhere. Does the church have someone they use? I'd volunteer,
> but you're too far away :-)
> -M
> On Saturday, November 26, 2016, Joseph Cirou <romanos at mindspring.com> wr
> >
> > I think part of Sheila's problem is a fear of winter driving. I'm from
> > Chicago, I know how to drive in snow.
> >

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