[Magdalen] this morning's sermon

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Sun Oct 2 20:11:19 UTC 2016

In a message dated 10/2/2016 1:15:21 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
gracecan at gmail.com writes:

I also  preached on the  Psalm>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
They've been discussing whether to stand or sit for the Psalm in
the context of the Offices (Morning Prayer and Evensong) on the
Anglican Music List.
There were quite a number of suggestions, but they were mostly
on the order of "This is the way we do it."  To those who insist  that
one sits for scripture/lessons, I mentioned that the Psalm, whether
in the Eucharist  or Offices is indeed a lesson from scripture,  and
therefore one should sit for the Psalm.
It seems to have gone over like a lead balloon as did my comment
to that list to be sure that the presider knows his/her part.  Even  if
the choir is ready and does a polished job, an unprepared presider
can ruin the whole liturgy.
The Presider purposely torpedoed a festive Evensong on the Feast
of the Annunciation because he thought it was too much honor to
the Virgin Mary.
The Music List concluded that one stands for the Psalm in MP &  EP.
I have a feeling that my posts may well not get to that list.  My  posts
do get to the Anglican/St. Sam's group which is run via the same
David S.

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