[Magdalen] this morning's sermon

Lesley de Voil lesleymdv at gmail.com
Sun Oct 2 20:51:41 UTC 2016

<I have a feeling that my posts may well not get to that list.  My  posts
do get to the Anglican/St. Sam's group which is run via the same

No, they come through all right to me, David. I have the same feeling
sometimes, but I recognise that I myself don't contribute very often,
and even then get very few replies that acknowledge that I have said

Lesley de Voil

On 10/3/16, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
> In a message dated 10/2/2016 1:15:21 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> gracecan at gmail.com writes:
> I also  preached on the  Psalm>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> They've been discussing whether to stand or sit for the Psalm in
> the context of the Offices (Morning Prayer and Evensong) on the
> Anglican Music List.
> There were quite a number of suggestions, but they were mostly
> on the order of "This is the way we do it."  To those who insist  that
> one sits for scripture/lessons, I mentioned that the Psalm, whether
> in the Eucharist  or Offices is indeed a lesson from scripture,  and
> therefore one should sit for the Psalm.
> It seems to have gone over like a lead balloon as did my comment
> to that list to be sure that the presider knows his/her part.  Even  if
> the choir is ready and does a polished job, an unprepared presider
> can ruin the whole liturgy.
> The Presider purposely torpedoed a festive Evensong on the Feast
> of the Annunciation because he thought it was too much honor to
> the Virgin Mary.
> The Music List concluded that one stands for the Psalm in MP &  EP.
> I have a feeling that my posts may well not get to that list.  My  posts
> do get to the Anglican/St. Sam's group which is run via the same
> server.
> David S.

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