[Magdalen] Insurance screw-up.

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Fri Oct 7 17:40:48 UTC 2016

Remember this one?  Got it solved today.  And guess what:  it's legit.

The colonoscopy people sent my biopsies to Salinas Valley Radiology for "slide prep", and they then sent the slides to UCSF for evaluation.  Hence, two entries on the EOB for UCSF.  And the June 13th date of service that never happened?  That's the day they got the slides.  Sheesh!

Bring on the bill, Buckwheats!  No bill, no payment!  I think I'll pay this one in tiny increments, just to get everyone back for the pain in the a*s it's all been.

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