[Magdalen] Something new!

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 21:43:58 UTC 2016

Well, in 1988 we were hosted by a target rifle club in Rotorua, NZ.  It 
was located way up on the lip of the caldera and the 'dunnie', whose 
door faced away from where the people were, opened to a panoramic view 
of the whole region.  Beyond spectacular to contemplate during one's 
time in it.  Fabulous hospitality.  They smoked trout for our lunch and 
I first tasted Royal Gala apples fresh from the tree and was rocketed 
back downhill after in a wild jeep ride cross country.  Aye, it's been a 
gud life!

Marion, a pilgrim   ... today my sail I lift ....

On 10/25/2016 5:00 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen wrote:
> In a message dated 10/25/2016
> gave  rise to many jokes over the summer about the  "throne".
> There was an outhouse at our family lake cabin which we kept
> long after modern plumbing had been installed.  The outhouse was
> in a grove of 40' Eastern White Pines my father had planted when
> he bought the place in 1915.  It was affectionately known as the
> "Pine Room," and users could leave the door open with a view
> through the trees while they were on "the throne."
> David S.

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