[Magdalen] Just call it Frances.

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Sat Apr 22 18:48:31 UTC 2017

In a message dated 4/22/2017 1:01:38 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
mjl at ix.netcom.com writes:

"Frances's anti-terrorism  unit".>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
France/Francis/Frances mumblings:
France, ironically, is from the Germanic tribe that conquered 
the local Celts = the Franks.  Clovis I of the Franks was
crowned at Reims in 496 AD.  France is "the eldest
daughter of the Church."  Clovis (= Louis) spoke an early
Germanic language --- Quelle horreur!
Saint Francis' father was an admirer of the French.
It wasn't until I became active at Saint Francis House, 
TEC student center at UW-Madison, that I realized
that Frances was the female version of Francis.
Frances Freeman was my 5th and 6th grade teacher
and owned the building housing the
only local hairdresser, "The Beauty Nook," (Now the
public library).
Frances was also co-organist of the Swedish Baptist
Church just across the street from the Strang home.
My 1st and 2nd grade teacher, Hazel Anderson, was the
other co-organist there.  They routinely used both organ
and piano on hymns. The Swedes were attempting to
outdo the local Norwegian Methodists half a block away
up the street.
Two sayings attributed to Charles De Gaul:
"You'll never catch me authorizing a four lane freeway
from Paris to the German border."
"I LOVE Germany.  I LOVE Germany so much I want  to
have TWO of them"  (East and West  Germany).
David S.

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