[Magdalen] Interesting perspective on BCP revision

ME Michaud michaudme at gmail.com
Wed Apr 26 17:46:49 UTC 2017

I agree with this. Yes!

On Wednesday, April 26, 2017, Charles Wohlers <charles.wohlers at verizon.net>

> Back in the 50's there was conflict in the jazz world between those who
> liked the newer bop styles (such as what Charlie Parker played) and those
> who preferred the older big band and swing styles. The former termed the
> latter "mo(u)ldy figs". This guy seems to me to be a moldy fig. He reminds
> me of those who fought the 1979 BCP and wanted to retain the beloved 1928
> book. Just how empty do you think our parishes would be if we hadn't
> dropped the 1928 BCP? Just like those who claim the drop in attendance in
> Episcopal churches is due to acceptance of homosexuality and other leftist
> innovations, he thinks it would be much worse if we revised the 1979 BCP.
> Neither is correct. What he doesn't address is how many folks would be
> attracted the the church if the liturgy was modernized - well, actually he
> does somewhat, but those folks are apparently the "wrong sorts of people".
> Now I like the 1979 BCP, but I'm an old guy and am not the future of the
> church. Periodic revision is necessary because society changes.
> End of rant -
> Chad Wohlers
> Woodbury, VT USA
> chadwohl at satucket.com
> -----Original Message----- From: Lynn Ronkainen
> Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 10:28 AM
> To: magdalen at herberthouse.org
> Subject: [Magdalen] Interesting perspective on BCP revision
> Thought provoking post -
> "Please revise your prayerbook. Sincerely, the hipster church who wants
> your building | the gospel side"
> https://thegospelside.com/2017/04/26/please-revise-your-pray
> erbook-sincerely-the-hipster-church-who-wants-your-building/
> Lynn

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