[Magdalen] Interesting perspective on BCP revision

Grace Cangialosi gracecan at gmail.com
Wed Apr 26 18:46:41 UTC 2017

Chad wrote: "Periodic revision is necessary because society changes."

The late and much-loved Charles Price, who was on the editorial board of
the '79 book--and wrote that wonderful General Thanksgiving on
p. 836--told us that he thought the BCP should have its year on the front
cover, just as the hymnals have.  That would suggest to people, even if
subconsciously, that the book hadn't been handed down from on high,but was
subject to periodic changes.

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 1:38 PM, Charles Wohlers <
charles.wohlers at verizon.net> wrote:

> Back in the 50's there was conflict in the jazz world between those who
> liked the newer bop styles (such as what Charlie Parker played) and those
> who preferred the older big band and swing styles. The former termed the
> latter "mo(u)ldy figs". This guy seems to me to be a moldy fig. He reminds
> me of those who fought the 1979 BCP and wanted to retain the beloved 1928
> book. Just how empty do you think our parishes would be if we hadn't
> dropped the 1928 BCP? Just like those who claim the drop in attendance in
> Episcopal churches is due to acceptance of homosexuality and other leftist
> innovations, he thinks it would be much worse if we revised the 1979 BCP.
> Neither is correct. What he doesn't address is how many folks would be
> attracted the the church if the liturgy was modernized - well, actually he
> does somewhat, but those folks are apparently the "wrong sorts of people".
> Now I like the 1979 BCP, but I'm an old guy and am not the future of the
> church. Periodic revision is necessary because society changes.
> End of rant -
> Chad Wohlers
> Woodbury, VT USA
> chadwohl at satucket.com
> -----Original Message----- From: Lynn Ronkainen
> Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 10:28 AM
> To: magdalen at herberthouse.org
> Subject: [Magdalen] Interesting perspective on BCP revision
> Thought provoking post -
> "Please revise your prayerbook. Sincerely, the hipster church who wants
> your building | the gospel side"
> https://thegospelside.com/2017/04/26/please-revise-your-pray
> erbook-sincerely-the-hipster-church-who-wants-your-building/
> Lynn

Grace Cangialosi
Ruckersville, VA

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*St. Teresa of Calcutta*

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