[Magdalen] Interesting perspective on BCP revision

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Wed Apr 26 19:36:00 UTC 2017

Having survived a '28 stint (and a Tridentine one, to boot), I wonder -- now -- why there need be such angst over Prayer Book revision.  The answer, as far as I see it, is simple:  in terms of revising the '79 (either drastically or not so), just let those parishes that choose to continue using the '79 do so, just like how there are numerous examples of mainstream parishes that are allowed to use the '28 unhindered.  As, I'm sure, also happens Over There with the 1662, or Up There with the 1962 (I believe I recall the Prayer Book Society calling Canada's 1962 as the "last of the traditional Prayer Books").

I suppose the angst comes in with the fact that many Traditionalists can't stand the idea of having to swallow the idea that their Church would dare to do any revising at all, even if still allowed to use the older version(s).  Or maybe it's the "allowed" bit that pisses them off most.

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