[Magdalen] Spring flowers and weather.

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sun Apr 30 12:08:51 UTC 2017

  Some of my daffodils are blooming, neighbourhood Forsythia blooming 
brightly,  little Dutchman's Breeches is out as is Hepatica.  Hellebore, 
too.  Tulips are well up, but only the species on the sunny side of the 
shed are in cheery bloom.   There was a tough old Bleeding Heart growing 
out of the foundation near my front door; it had to be removed for my 
'dance floor' parking pad.  I could only save the first maybe 18" of the 
root and I stuick it in a shallow trench in the lee of my garden shed 
without much hope.  But, lo! it broke through the other day.  Yay!

Rainy today, but good for newly planted perennials, lots of them.  I had 
a two-hour session at a now-distant, but favoured, garden centre -- 
expensive, but satisfying.  Prerty well everthing came through the 
winter so I am adding to and fleshing out the collection.  Happiness is 
....   It's a welcome distraction from a thorny church situation that we 
Wardens must resolve in a couple of days..  The outcome will be great or 
a f-----g disaster.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 4/29/2017 11:22 PM, ME Michaud wrote:
> Speaking of climate change,
> I saw lilacs flowering today in Somerville, Mass.
> At home (55 miles north of Somerville) lilacs bloomed on Memorial Day (May
> 31st).
> -M
> On Saturday, April 29, 2017, Charles Wohlers <charles.wohlers at verizon.net>
> wrote:
>> Great weather up here. Spent the afternoon on the State House Lawn at the
>> local Climate Change Rally. Heard Bernie & others. Rallies & such are
>> generally not my thing, but this one was at least decent.

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