[Magdalen] Quiet

Marilyn Cepeda mcepeda514 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 18:31:37 UTC 2017

Marion, it sounds wonderful!

On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 1:28 PM Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com>

> Here on the north shore of Lake Ontario I'm a long way north of the
> hurricane that CNN is keeping me very well aware of.  Keep your powder
> dry down there in Texas!!!!  Seriously, it sounds apolcalyptic.  Hope
> the reality won't be.
> I'm busy in Wardenland, including manning the office at least one day a
> week and dealing with related matters. I'm outta here early tomorrow,
> heading to Muskoka for an overnight involving the Marion Singers.  We're
> gathering at Christ Church, Windermere, for a rehearsal and BBQ tomorrow
> afternoon and then heading off to our billets.  Sunday morning we will
> sing before, during, and after Mass and I'll be preaching as I do there
> once a year.  I'd love to have an extra day or two with my friend
> Robert+ , but the stupid cats need meals and my cat sitting friend is
> already away for this weekend only, wouldn't you know? Ach, Tipper just
> yacked up her meal --  she wolfs down meals without chewing (not tooth
> problems) and this happens periodically.  Why can't she chow down
> sensibly like Archie?!  That's why I can't just leave food for X days.
> She would die after eating it all in the first five gorging minutes,
> both portions!
> Be assured, I read every word that comes down the Pub pipeline, but the
> day to day minutia of my life is hardly rivetting in return.  Watched
> the eclipse on CNN.  I drive to Campbellford weekly to give Jim some
> non-service-personnel chatter.  He has had three hits of chemo, another
> one coming,  and other than needing lots of naps and his hair  falling
> out all at once, he's taking it well (still NO medical information,
> though).  I help at the Food Bank once a week.  This summer Fr. Randy
> has instituted a twice-a-week  hour and a half period of quiet in the
> church, suitable for prayer, meditation, or whatever spiritual practice
> you fancy .  We finish with Compline and sing Salve Regina.  With
> morning prayer three mornings a week and the weekly mass,  the church is
> where I can be found about 18 hours a day!  We're becoming positively
> monastic for those who are paying attention! Those who may know him
> won't be surprised!
> This being Friday, I shall go to The Social for a teatime bevvie.  I'm
> there every Monday 7-9 a.m. to help with the FREE breakfast we serve to
> any and all comers, as few as five and as many as 27.  This being a
> small town, the owner was a warden at my church about 15 yrs ago.  I'm
> gradually getting to know yet another layer of the Port Hope citizenry -
> the regulars at The Social are quite artsy.  The food is great, too,
> local produce and wine and craft beers.
> Marion, a pilgrim   ... today my sail I lift ....
> On 8/25/2017 10:23 AM, Marilyn Cepeda wrote:
> > Wow! It is quiet here!  Where are you all?
> >
> > Prayers for those in the path of the hurricane........stay safe!
> >
> > My cousin flies to NYC next week to consult at Sloan Kettering. She
> thinks
> > it will be surgery soon after.
> > Continued prayers appreciated.
> >
> > Marilyn
> --
Marilyn (Owens, Palmero) Cepeda

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