[Magdalen] Update

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Sat Feb 18 11:53:46 UTC 2017

Praying strength, peace, and much love into that golden hammock, Molly.
And, also lots of spaces where the light can get in.  Thank you for letting
us know how you are doing.  My prayers continue.

Good blessings,

On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 9:58 PM, Lynn Ronkainen <houstonklr at gmail.com>

> I do think prayers help in more than a "just in case" way. Praying for the
> dark times and for light when it seeps in.
> gentle hugs
> Lynn
> On Feb 17, 2017, at 4:33 PM, Molly Wolf <lupa at kos.net> wrote:
> Appointment with oncologist this morning -- actually, this afternoon
> because she was TWO AND A HALF FREAKIN' HOURS LATE, and not nearly
> apologetic enough.  "These things happen" does not cut nearly enough
> mustard. I told her that it was worse when I had to wait three hours just
> to see the oncology cardiologist's med student and another half hour to see
> the doctor herself. That time, I had neither reading material nor iPad.
> Doctors. <snarl>
> The good news is that my body is holding up well under the barrage of
> chemo drugs, although fatigue is a steadily increasing issue.  Apparently I
> am a Good Patient.  Red and white blood cells and platelets are nobly
> hanging in there.  We're going to reduce the dosage by 10% because after
> the last round, I felt as though Thor had hammered me into the ground.
> The other good news is that Charity, my oncologist nurse, will no longer
> be on my case.  She earned the nickname Ratchett.  I figured the oncologist
> owed me that much.
> That's the good news.  The not-so-good news is that my ancient, powerful
> foe Depression is roused and giving battle.  A new drug I'm on has helped,
> but it's still far too easy to slip back into the darkness.  Depression
> also tends to make me self-isolate while being hurt by isolation, which is
> a nasty piece of circular self-injury.  And God and church get all mixed up
> in the muddle. (Is church a place to look for Love?  My mother always said
> it wasn't.)
> Do prayers help?  Dunno. Will dutifully ask, just in case.
> The man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no
> other way. -- Mark Twain

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