[Magdalen] For veterans of St. Sam's

Molly Wolf lupa at kos.net
Sun Jan 15 01:27:44 UTC 2017

Pepper Marts has died.  This from his daughter:


My words were: With great sadness, and great joy, I announce that the immortal soul of my father, Morton Pepper Marts, has overcome the forces of earthly gravity and launched itself "into the wild blue yonder" this morning (1/11/17) around 8. He passed the portal between this life and the Great Mystery peacefully, free of pain, and on his own terms. May the blessings of love he shared with so many remain upon him (and us all) forever.
Sorry for the shock, this was not entirely unexpected by some, but the family's ability to contact those he cared about is limited. Services will be Saturday 2/4/17 at 2pm at St. Michael and All Angels here in Albuquerque, NM

Please reply here or contact me at kathi.marts.foster at gmail.com
Have not yet developed the ability to access his FB directly.
May he rest in peace and rise in glory.


The man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -- Mark Twain

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