[Magdalen] Dinner; was Flour query.

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sun Jan 15 18:53:39 UTC 2017

Oh, I don't mind the pepper.  It was just the amount of salt in an 
unknown quantity of ingredients.  Bon appetit!

Marion, a pilgrim

On 1/15/2017 11:33 AM, M J _Mike_ Logsdon wrote:
>>>> Tablespoon of salt!!!  Phew.  I think in the presumed quantity produced
> my non-tasting self would register that as _very_ salty indeed, possibly
> unpleasantly so.<<<
> Well-noted, and indeed one tiny speck of it more and what you describe would have been the case.  As it is, it is "British pub perfect" (so to speak).  The main thing to remember is that 1 tbsp salt in a whopping 3 lbs of 97% lean ground beef doesn't really go all that far.  What pushed it to just this side of too salty was the quart of beef stock along with it.  Next time I'll go to 3/4 tbsp both salt and pepper, and it'll be perfecter.  (I'd bet you a Canadian dollar leftover will be even milder spice-wise...)
> .

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