[Magdalen] Sharon Counselman

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sun Jan 22 00:44:14 UTC 2017

I remember Bob Counselman.  May he be comforted in his loss.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 1/20/2017 11:57 PM, Christopher Hart wrote:
> This is late news, and maybe no news to those on Facebook, but I don't
> recall seeing it mentioned here. Sharon Counselman, beloved wife of our
> sometime listsib Bob Counselman died on Christmas Day. I recall enjoying
> her Texas brisket at a summer listmeet at Trinity, Woodbridge, NJ. The late
> Jim Guthrie, Vince Eareckson, and Carol Marsh were there along with Richard
> Konopka. Cady, who may be the only other besides me still active on this
> list, was there with her then small kids enjoying the pool. May Sharon rest
> in peace and our brother Bob be comforted.
> .

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