[Magdalen] Fourth of July Fireworks.

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Wed Jul 5 03:43:54 UTC 2017

The local Pocono development had fireworks for about an hour
over the lake last night.  My dogs are still a bit  shell-shocked.
I caught most of the Macy's New York City fireworks rhis evening
on NBC.  They featured the Band and Glee Club of the West
Point Military Academy, and it was all quite spectacular.
There was a lengthy arrangement of "The Battle Hymn of the
Republic" all done in "ah's" without any of the text including
even the relatively innocuous "Glory, glory, halleluia's" and
the more sectarian, "In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born
across the sea." etc.  It's all calculated to be  free of  religious
During a medley of US Military songs, there was the "Off We Go
into the Wild Blue Yonder" with the phrase I still sing with
"Nothing can stop the Army Air Corps (since my two older brothers
were in the WW-2 Aimy Air Corps).  Then in 1947 or so it became
"Nothing can stop the US Air Force."
Happy July 4th for the USA and Happy 150th Anniversary for Canada.
David S.

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