[Magdalen] Fourth of July Fireworks.
Ann Markle
ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
Wed Jul 5 21:04:56 UTC 2017
My darling Clementine is still a little traumatized from the fireworks; the
illegal backyard ones were still going off at one am. I noticed that the
Army song was sung, "...the Army keeps rolling along," instead of "the
cassions." Is this an example of dumbing down?
On Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 11:44 PM Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
> The local Pocono development had fireworks for about an hour
> over the lake last night. My dogs are still a bit shell-shocked.
> I caught most of the Macy's New York City fireworks rhis evening
> on NBC. They featured the Band and Glee Club of the West
> Point Military Academy, and it was all quite spectacular.
> There was a lengthy arrangement of "The Battle Hymn of the
> Republic" all done in "ah's" without any of the text including
> even the relatively innocuous "Glory, glory, halleluia's" and
> the more sectarian, "In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born
> across the sea." etc. It's all calculated to be free of religious
> content.
> During a medley of US Military songs, there was the "Off We Go
> into the Wild Blue Yonder" with the phrase I still sing with
> "Nothing can stop the Army Air Corps (since my two older brothers
> were in the WW-2 Aimy Air Corps). Then in 1947 or so it became
> "Nothing can stop the US Air Force."
> Happy July 4th for the USA and Happy 150th Anniversary for Canada.
> David S.
The Rev. Ann Markle
Buffalo, NY
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