[Magdalen] The Catholics...

sheila ketler ketbears at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 2 19:25:46 UTC 2017

Hello everyoneWell I am seeing now that hymns that were familiar to me and well-used in Anglican circles are not a part ofthe Catholic way of doing things. I don't like CBW either 2 or 3... 3 is the worst of the two because they have put inseveral Haugen hymns - read out of this that are odd in tempo odd musically and unpleasant all around...I don't like Haugen but I didn't mind the Mass of Creation but it is out of use... Some familiar hymns such as Breatheon me Breath of God and Holy Holy Holy are absent from catholicism... Gather has Holy Holy Holy (tune Nicea?)and it was always used every church I ever worked at. I have put in a special request that we sing it duringCommunion not sure if the powers that be will allow it. It seems that the other two organists who work there are notallowed to comment on the music or to make suggestions and I would love to get my hands on that choir..They are small in number but they can really sing and those Psalms can be done in parts... some of them evenhave descants... and that would sound amazing...
Happy Pentecost everyone... are we all wearing red? Do I even own anything red??

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