[Magdalen] Thank you everyone...

sheila ketler ketbears at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 15 10:30:09 UTC 2017

Hello everyoneThanks to all who responded to my cry for help with the Adoration... What Scott said was very useful as we are singingO Salutaris Hostia and Tantum Ergo Sacramentum as the benediction... so this gives me a very good idea of whatwill be going on... The Psalm of the day is Psalm 111 in CBW 3 but we will say all parts of the Mass even the Gloriawill be said.I notice a few small differences between Anglican Eucharistic rite and the Catholic rite... I manage to get to an Anglicanservice (without music) on WEd. morning... There are a group of about 20 to 25 who attend this service on a regularbasis and they have welcomed me in and are very friendly... It is not the same as my old parish but nothing would ever be the same as that place... It had become my church home... Unfortunately it closed...

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