[Magdalen] Now, a related thread - was, Anxiety?, House vote, Blah, Blah.

James Oppenheimer-Crawford oppenheimerjw at gmail.com
Tue Mar 28 19:48:01 UTC 2017

Someone actually thinks the former situation was better.  I never cease to
be amazed at the poor judgment of folks given a little power.

We need a single payer system and we need it yesterday.

The director of my musical group has a disease for which the only treatment
is a very expensive drug, and he was saying if that plan passed, he would
probably be dead within a year. Which is probably about right. Nobody given
a fraction of a chance would ever allow him to be covered if they could
possibly get away with it.

People who want things back the way they were forget that people die
because of these decisions. The slime making the decisions have no problems
because they are independently wealthy and have no worries for anyone they
give a damn about (which certainly doesn't include any of us at all, at
all) ever having a problem with health care.

Another thing we tend to forget is that folks without coverage wait til
they are desperate and then go to the ER.  Stuff which could have been
dealt with by a visiting nurse or some such suddenly becomes life
threatening, and it's also being treated in a cadillac setting. It would be
a lot more reasonable an expense if these folks had decent care freely
available.  When they come to that ER, we *A*R*E* going to treat them, but
the expense is a few orders of magnitude greater in that setting.

James W. Oppenheimer-Crawford
*“A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved,
except in memory. LLAP**”  -- *Leonard Nimoy

On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 1:43 AM, Sibyl Smirl <polycarpa3 at ckt.net> wrote:

> On 3/24/17 5:47 PM, M J _Mike_ Logsdon wrote:
>> *Where* did he say he never said the ACA should be repealed and
>>>>> replaced?!<<<
>> At his desk today in the Oval Office.
> I'm not sure what he said that he never said, but in the last couple of
> days, he has said that he never said that repealing/replacing Obamacare
> would be _easy_, which was another thing that the Liberals were laughing
> about his saying that he never said.
> (I never said that he wasn't any of several varieties of crazy or a liar:
> a couple of things that I have said are that he wasn't/isn't suitable to be
> a President (nor is/was Hillary, IMHO)).  I've also said that his
> principles are not really Republican principles, no matter what party he
> won with.  But really, guys, keep it straight about what it was that he did
> say that he never said!
> One other point going in this thread is that when you're being all
> triumphalist about the Republican replacement for Obamacare failing, you
> should remember that a fair number of Republican Conservatives are against
> that bill because they (sorta, kinda, "we", because my own opinions on the
> matter are mixed) want Obamacare _abolished_, without replacement:
> obliterated: back to the way things were before it passed Congress, and
> weren't going to accept the watered-down compromise. Others, more
> conciliatory, settled on "Ryancare", and voted for it, but the ones who
> hated Obamacare more refused to vote for the replacement.
> --
> Sibyl Smirl
> I will take no bull from your house!  Psalms 50:9a
> mailto:polycarpa3 at ckt.net

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