[Magdalen] Calendar question

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Tue May 9 18:36:59 UTC 2017

Poor old Ascension Day has fallen by the wayside, totally outgunned by 
Pentecost, and yet how incredibly important to us it is that Jesus 
Christ, fully divine and _fully human,_ ascended into Heaven, thus 
taking us with him.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 5/9/2017 1:25 PM, Jo Craddock wrote:
> All Saints' is, as I read the BCP, the only feast day that is 
> mentioned as being moved to the following Sunday (in addition to or in 
> place of observance on Nov. 1 , p. 15, section 1, paragraph 2). There 
> is no such provision for Ascension Day, as I read it, unless, of 
> course, it's the parish name...then, it may fall under section 2, 
> paragraph 2 on p. 16 (as Scott observed). But, ICBW.
> It seems to me the thought about "after" comes from the All Saints' 
> note, and, perhaps, some reinforcement that some of our seasons only 
> *begin* on the more widely observed secular day (e.g., Christmas and 
> Easter), but I see no preference for single-day observances in the BCP 
> to follow that line of thinking.
> The dates I mentioned were just pulled out of a hat. At St. James BR 
> we've observed it, generally, on the Sunday nearest the 25th, whether 
> that's before or after. In scheduling summer 2017, an interesting 
> discussion of the BCP rubrics ensued. What could a parish that 
> generally closed in the summer do, etc.?
> Peace,
> Jo
> On 5/9/2017 10:59 AM, Ann Markle wrote:
>> My understanding has been that traditionally, as with All Saints' and
>> Ascension, the observation would be moved to the Sunday AFTER the actual
>> feast day itself.  There are two St. Jameses, so perhaps that's the 
>> reason
>> for the two possible dates?  Why not just observe on the Sunday 
>> following
>> July 25?

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