[Magdalen] The hacked mail..

Brian Reid reid at mejac.palo-alto.ca.us
Wed Sep 20 12:52:13 UTC 2017

Sending email from Yahoo that pretends to be you does not require access to your 
Yahoo account. It is unlikely that your account was hacked. Even closing your 
Yahoo account will not stop such emails.

On 9/20/17 5:48 AM, Sheila Ketler wrote:
> Hello everyone
> I am now subscribed again. I had to subscribe to every list and mailing
> that I had and it has been a major annoyance to say the least... They
> hacked into my yahoo mail account and someone I work with at the church
> received one of those spam emails asking her to purchase iTune cards that I
> needed them. Unfortunately she did this but she was smart enough not to
> scratch the pins on the cards so she has them but doesn't want them she is
> hoping to sell them.
> This has been a major mess... and took a bit of time. I am trying to get
> used to Gmail as it is a bit different.. and I did get rid of Yahoo but I
> still get the odd message through there... Need to find out how to get it
> gone for good..!!
> Sheila

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