[Magdalen] Temps Perdue

ME Michaud michaudme at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 22:35:52 UTC 2018

It’s amazing how vividly little kids experience color, sound and taste.
Then, when we’re older, we’ve learned to filter.

We were talking the other day about someone who’d fallen deeply, improbably
in love. He claimed he just saw her and fell head over heels (he’s in his
fifties). And I wondered if this woman reminded him of someone he’d adored
when he was a baby but had actually forgotten in the meantime.

On Thursday, April 26, 2018, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:
> is of the day I said my first sentence. Not of saying, "I saw Mrs. Gulick's
> red setter," but of that beautiful red dog against the woman's dark green
> coat. And the last in the series is probably that spring at Easter, and
> standing on a chair to reach over to a basket of Easter eggs. I seem to
> recall that I was wearing a yellow dress.

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