[Magdalen] Scranton Takes It On The Chin.

Christopher Hart cervus51 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 26 17:32:49 UTC 2018

I concur with David's impression. My boss is a lifelong RC and he told me
recently that he and his wife have pretty much just stopped going to
church. I have talked to him some in the past about the Episcopal Church,
and there is a fairly good sized and active one near them, but there just
doesn't seem to be any thought of making an alternative worship choice.
There is a sense, as someone said to me many years ago, that Roman
Catholicism and Judaism both have a cultural component which transcends the
actual practice of the religion. You can take the person out of the
religion, but you can't take the religion out of the person.

On Sun, Aug 26, 2018 at 10:36 AM cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> In the current spotlight of Pennsylvania RC dioceses with
> serious abuse history, none are worse than the local
> Diocese of Scranton.  Even the much beloved retired
> +Scranton (+Timlin) is implicated in arranging an
> abortion (of all things!) for the victim of impregnation
> by a diocesan priest.
> It's my impression that the local Protestants are expecting
> a flood of disgruntled RC's to swell their ranks, but actually,
> from the experience of TEC Diocese of Bethlehem. what
> happens instead is a complete loss of such persons from
> any form of Christianity.
> True, some former RC's may become life-long committed
> Christians of other denominations, but more often than not,
> they are active for awhile and then drift away with no church
> activity.  At least that is the experience of the local TEC
> Diocese.
> Despite RC's disgust of the RCC, there is, apparently, an inner
> feeling that Roman Catholicism is THE church, even though
> the clergy have made a complete mess of it.
> David S.


Christopher Hart

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