[Magdalen] State Funeral

Michael Bishop rev at michaelbishop.name
Thu Dec 6 21:45:46 UTC 2018

Enjoy your visit, Sally. There should be plenty of bellringing for you 
over Christmas. If you were coming to Nottinghamshire, I could guarantee 
the ringing times here in St. Mary Magdalene's, Keyworth, where I should 
be one of the ringers. Only a few miles from here in Loughborough is 
Taylor's Bellfoundry which is where many church bells are made.

God bless

Michael Bishop
rev at michaelbishop.name

On 06/12/2018 9:28 pm, Sally wrote:
> In hearty agreement on the bells, David! And reminder to self, no matter how freezing it may be, make sure to hear this somewhere in the UK over the next few weeks.
> Monday, we are on our way to Wales!
> Sally D
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 05 Dec 2018, at 20:54, cantor03--- via Magdalen <magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
>> I'm hard to please in the liturgy department, but I have to agree with you on this one.I guess that both Prince Charles (!) and Angela Merkel were there alone with many otherforeign dignitaries, but cameras were fixated on the Presidents' Club."
>> The National Cathedral is so very well suited to this sort of ceremonial in this polyglot countryof ours.  I guess putting it all together, it was a Burial Office with a lot of additions.  Theseveral mentions of the Christian Trinity members were still just a little surprising to me.Then again this is a major Christian church if nothing else, and mentioning of oursectarian God would seem inevitable.
>> The National Cathedral TEC clergy (especially bishops) can simply wear rochet and chimere,and even the most die-hearted Presbyterian can be happy.
>> There was an amazing use of familiar Christian hymns throughout, with the Military bandsplaying them to fill in the awkward gaps when loading and unloading the funeral hearse.I thought the music chosen was well done, and the opening/gathering hymn, "Praisemy Soul the King of Heaven" was worthy of Westminster Abbey on one of itssolemn occasions.
>> The perfect finishing touch was the peal (change ringing) from the main Gloria inExcelsis Tower.  What a glorious way to leave such a service!  I was remindedof having breakfast at the Wessex Hotel dining room in Winchester overlookingthe Cathedral Close during their Sunday peal.  A good peal is unforgettable.
>> Some neighbors don't like peals, but they can get over it.
>> David Strang.
>> In a message dated 12/5/2018 12:58:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, sally.davies at gmail.com writes:
>> This State Funeral service...wow. Just wow. It's reaching out to so manypeople. Dignified, grand and personal at th

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