[Magdalen] Dio SC (was Re: Dio. Of Virginia)

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Mon Dec 10 12:02:55 UTC 2018

On 10/12/2018 11:35, Ginga Wilder wrote:
> BUT, remember where I come from...SC took years - at least 25 to come to
> schism.  I am not saying that is happening in VA, just that my experience
> is so particular regarding diocesan leadership leading down the wrong
> path.  And, again, the schism was not such a terrible thing for those of us
> who remained with TEC.


In a sense the reorganization has meant that you have been able to work 
from a fairly clean state, going back to basics and arranging things as 
you want. From what you have said before for some congregations it has 
meant not having a lot of plant to maintain and so the freedom to be, if 
you like, a cutting which has got a fresh start in fresh compost with 
all the vitality that brings.

On a tangential matter have I missed something or has there been no 
further ruling or hearing since the 19 November hearing about 
implementing the SCSC ruling?


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