[Magdalen] The latest of Prayer Book Revision

Lynn Ronkainen houstonklr at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 23:31:46 UTC 2018

Listsib Meg+ is on the PB committee. 
I gust finished reading 
+TX longish proposal in re the PB. 

At the Listmeet on Saturday an Episcopalian in line behind me at lunch revealed that as of Saturday none of the written materials (all on laptops) had been translated into Spanish....
HOPEFULLY a quick tech fix. HOPEFULLY. 

On Jul 10, 2018, at 6:06 PM, Ginga Wilder <gingawilder at gmail.com> wrote:

John, it is not clear to me from the wording that this 0084 will include
same gendered marriage rites.  Can you clarify, please?

Ginga Wilder

> On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 6:23 PM John Robison <friarjohn00 at gmail.com> wrote:
> The HoB sent this piece of substitute legislation to the HoD:
> https://www.vbinder.net/floor_amendments/84?house=hb&lang=en
> The Text:
> Floor Amendment 0084 to resolution A068
> Proposed by The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle
> *Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the 79th General
> Convention, pursuant to Article X of the Constitution, authorize the
> ongoing work of liturgical and Prayer Book revision for the future of God’s
> mission through the Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement. And, that it do
> so upon the core theological work of loving, liberating, life-giving
> reconciliation and creation care; and be it further*
> *Resolved, that our methodology be one of a dynamic process for discerning
> common worship, engaging all the baptized, while practicing accountability
> to The Episcopal Church; and be it further*
> *Resolved, That the 79th General Convention create a Task Force on
> Liturgical and Prayer Book Revision (TFLPBR), the membership of which will
> be jointly appointed by the Presiding Bishop and the President of the House
> of Deputies, and will report to the appropriate legislative committee(s) of
> the 80th General Convention, ensuring that diverse voices of our church are
> active participants in this liturgical revision by constituting a group
> with leaders who represent the expertise, gender, age, theology, regional,
> and ethnic diversity of the church, to include, 10 laity, 10 priests or
> deacons, and 10 Bishops; and be it further*
> *Resolved, That this Convention memorialize the 1979 Book of Common Prayer
> as a Prayer Book of the church preserving the psalter, liturgies, The
> Lambeth Quadrilateral, Historic Documents, and Trinitarian Formularies
> ensuring its continued use; and be it further*
> *Resolved, That this church continue to engage the deep Baptismal and
> Eucharistic theology and practice of the 1979 Prayer Book; and be it
> further*
> *Resolved, That bishops engage worshiping communities in experimentation
> and the creation of alternative texts to offer to the wider church, and
> that each diocese be urged to create a liturgical commission to collect,
> reflect, teach and share these resources with the TFLPBR; and be it
> further*
> *Resolved, That the TFLPBR in consultation with the Standing Commission on
> Structure, Governance, Constitution and Canons is directed to propose to
> the 80th General Convention revisions to the Constitution and Canons to
> enable The Episcopal Church to be adaptive in its engagement of future
> generations of Episcopalians, multiplying, connecting, and disseminating
> new liturgies for mission, attending to prayer book revision in other
> provinces of the Anglican Communion; and be it further*
> *Resolved, That liturgical and Prayer Book revision will continue in
> faithful adherence to the historic rites of the Church Universal as they
> have been received and interpreted within the Anglican tradition of 1979
> Book of Common Prayer, mindful of our existing ecumenical commitments,
> while also providing space for, encouraging the submission of, and
> facilitating the perfection of rites that will arise from the continual
> movement of the Holy Spirit among us and growing insights of our Church;
> and be it further*
> *Resolved, That such revision utilize the riches of Holy Scripture and our
> Church’s liturgical, cultural, racial, generational, linguistic, gender,
> physical ability, class and ethnic diversity in order to share common
> worship; and be it further*
> *Resolved, That our liturgical revision utilize inclusive and expansive
> language and imagery for humanity and divinity; and be it further*
> *Resolved, That our liturgical revision shall incorporate and express
> understanding, appreciation, and care of God’s creation; and be it further*
> *Resolved, That our liturgical revision take into consideration the use of
> emerging technologies which provide access to a broad range of liturgical
> resources; and be it further*
> *Resolved, That the SCLM create a professional dynamic equivalence
> translation of The Book of Common Prayer 1979 and the Enriching Our Worship
> Series in Spanish, French, and Haitian Creole; and that the SCLM diversify
> the publication formats of new resources, liturgies and rites to include
> online publishing; and be it further*
> *Resolved, That this church ensure that, at each step of the revision
> process, all materials be professionally translated into English, Spanish,
> French, and Haitian Creole, following the principles of dynamic equivalence
> and that no new rites or liturgical resources be approved by this church
> until such translations are secured; and be it further*
> *Resolved, That the TFLPBR shall report to the 80th General Convention; and
> be it further*
> *Resolved*, *That there being $201,000 in the proposed budget for the
> translation of liturgical materials, that the Executive Council be
> encouraged to identify additional funds in the amount of $200,000 to begin
> this liturgical revision.*
> This replaces the more troubelsom (to many) A068 with a different process.
> --
> The Rev. John R. Robison
> The Old Catholic Church, Provence of the United States.
> www.TOCCUSA.org
> "Among the repulsions of atheism for me has been its drastic
> uninterestingness as an intellectual position." - John Updike
> "There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life:
> The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that
> often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading
> to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with
> the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."  ~John Rogers

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