[Magdalen] Prayer request

Michael Bishop rev at michaelbishop.name
Sun Jul 29 13:17:21 UTC 2018

The weight is not that low! I was born about 6 weeks early and was so 
small that I was not weighed at birth. They simply put me in the airing 
cupboard to keep me warm. (No things like incubators were available back 
in 1947) When I was a month old, I was finally weighed in at 4lb 4oz 
fully clothed!

My prayers, of course, for mother, baby and all the family.

God bless

Michael Bishop
rev at michaelbishop.name

On 29/07/2018 14:10, Jay Weigel wrote:
> Oh my goodness, Grace. Prayers that everything goes well and that baby gets
> to a reasonable size by 34 weeks before they do the C-section. 4-5 lbs is
> way too small to be out here!
> Prayers for your DIL's sister Dayanna, Clarissa. That's a shocker.
> On Sat, Jul 28, 2018 at 5:58 PM, Clarissa Canning <canplum at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Prayers will be said.  I ask Prayers for Dayanna my D-¡N - Law sister who
>> waited till after My Granddaughter's birth to tell Gaby  about 2 stage B.
>> cancer.  Their mother from Peru has come. Dayanna  has 2 young boys. I
>> believe she in her 30s. chemo is starting ... I hope to meet Mamábuela
>> tonight.
>> Thank you. She is RC.
>> On Sat, Jul 28, 2018, 12:39 PM ME Michaud <michaudme at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> And a friend who endured weeks of bed rest in a teaching hospital lying
>> on
>>> her left side,
>>> only allowed to get up once a day.
>>> Baby Julia is now in her thirties and doing human rights work in South
>>> America.
>>> -M
>>> On Saturday, July 28, 2018, Lynn Ronkainen <houstonklr at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Prayers rising !
>>>> My neighbor, a nurse in her late 30s, just went through this exact
>>>> situation at 34 weeks with great success -she had a Cesarean and mom
>> and
>>>> babe's situation improved immediately after delivery - 5 weeks later
>> all
>>> is
>>>> still going well.

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