[Magdalen] Those Who Stay/Depart

ME Michaud michaudme at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 10:54:16 UTC 2018

And there are those who hold a much darker interpretation.

Locally, even elderly Catholic ladies are likely to tell you
that the expectation of celibacy is partly to blame
for the crop of abusive priests now in prison or on parole.

Our local Ordiariate parish has struggled with attendance hovering around a
Two priests. Both in their seventies.

On Wednesday, June 13, 2018, ROGER STOKES via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> I agree that the RCC will resume ordaining married men (They did a
> millenium ago) n the fairly near future. There is no theological objection
> as is evidenced by the Ordinariate priests, other married priests who were
> formerly in another denomination and the Eastern Rite Catholics, all of
> whom are in communion with the Pope. I understand that having a nominally
> celibate priesthood is a hindrance to work and witness in some parts of the
> world.
> Personally I think two major mistakes were made during Pope Benedict's
> time. One was the approval of the "English" language translation of the
> Missal. "English" in quotes because it is not even good English. T%he other
> was the establishment of the Ordinariates, the first being here in England.
> If an individual decides that their spiritual journey is leading them to
> the RCC then I have no problem - as I made clear publicly when two
> (separately) left my then parish in the latter half of the 1990's. The
> Ordinariate is something different - wanting to have your cake and eat it.

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